Teams participating: FIFH Sledgehammers, Nacka HI, IKS Atak, Hamé Zlin, Bremer Pirates, Tallin Panthers, Oslo KHK, Amsterdam Huskies, Nowaco Sharks, Kingston Kestrels, Jordal Old Stars

Thursday, February 7, 2008


It's a busy day here at Rosengårds ishall. So far 6/10 of today's games have been played, and so for it's been a blast for all of us here. The current game is between Jordal Old Stars and FIFH Sledgehammer and with only a minute left it seems like the Sledgehammers will walk out as winners with 11-0.

We (Robert Linde & Martin Linde) will update this page with pictures, news and results as best we can during play time. After each day's conclusion we will make a more detailed update.

Thanks for joining us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ni sekretariatet gör ett kanon jobb

Från kökspersonalenmsnmf